Bioengineering for Global Health
Organized by Vanderbilt University, Nature Reviews Bioengineering, Nature Communications and Nature Biomedical Engineering
Bioengineering has the power to improve health globally by developing diagnostic, treatment and disease monitoring platforms that function in diverse settings, including resource-constrained contexts. This conference aims at catalysing the open exchange of ideas between bioengineers, clinical researchers, healthcare providers, funding and community partners, policymakers and educators, discussing the current impact of bioengineering on solving global health challenges and how to connect with communities to ensure deployability of solutions.
This conference aims to provide a forum to present research in regards to:
Innovating for global health: low cost diagnostics
Establishing effective treatment at the point-of-care
Funding and publishing global health-related bioengineering research
Providing training and education as a means to advance global health
Capacity building for disease prevention
Policy, Politics and Public Health: Implementing and translating bioengineering research